Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

About topic 5: Miracles

The examiner explains:
"This topic considers whether miracles occur, and  if we can properly define them. It also explores the  idea that miracles are based on interpretation rather than real evidence, and as such are always subject to doubt and cynicism.
what do we mean by miracles? – something impossible, something contrary to the laws of  nature, something only God does;
does God work in the world through miracles?;
can humans perform miracles?;
examples of miracles from scripture, tradition, history and experience;
evidence of/for miracles;
the power of miracles in revealing God, and the qualities of God, such as benevolence, omnipotence, immanence;
the question of to what extent the acceptance of the existence of miracles leads to problems for the  believer;
Hume’s argument regarding the impossibility of miracles."

I Believe In Miracles

Do you?

Friday, 13 November 2015

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Access your work here (Google classroom) using your username e.g password is the usual password followed by 123
Once there click the class and assignments for today. (Arguments for the existence of God - cosmological First cause)

Friday, 26 June 2015

When you don't learn RE!

Monday, 15 June 2015

Work on Introduction of Religious Philosophy

1st Lesson: Please research about Religious Philosophy and the main Philosophers of your GCSE RS short course: Descartes, Thomas Aquinas, Immanuel Kant, David Hume.

Have a look on Past Paper Questions Religious Philosophy and Ultimate Questons (Unit 4)

Watch these videos :
Existence, Reality (Metaphysics)
I think therefore I am - DescartesExistence of God
Hindu Creation storyThomas Aquinas and the First Mover Argument (First Cause)William Paley and Divine Watch MakerThe Big Bang

Extension work: Spinoza - find out who he was and what he wrote (hint - response to Descartes. 

Try this quiz Sherlock Homes Vs Philosophers (Thanks to the BBC)

Monday, 11 May 2015


  • REVISION NOTES (overview of the paper) access here.
  • Exercise to remember and plan how to answer questions is on Template Revision - access here
  • Past Paper Questions 2014 with mark scheme  - access here (you can access all here including mark scheme here (click unit 2 "Life Issues")  
Remember to write in black in pen, read questions very carefully ! Underline the command of the words in the questions. 

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Friday, 6 February 2015

Access here lesson about miracles: what it is, if God works or not through miracles, if humans can perform miracles, what we learn from miracles and the evidence for miracles.
The second lesson is about might be reveal about God and problems with videos, open here

Monday, 19 January 2015

Existence of God

Key points for REvision :

Topic 1 The Existence of God

Candidates need only refer to one religious tradition in this section. 

Candidates will be expected to know the following terms: theist, atheist, agnostic.

Candidates may be asked questions on the following arguments for God’s existence: First Cause argument (cosmological argument); Design argument (teleological argument); argument from miracles; argument from religious experience; argument from morality; arguments against belief in the existence of God.Candidates will be expected to be able to outline arguments in any of the preceding areas: they will also be expected to be able to outline basic problems with the arguments; how plausible/strong are the arguments?; what faults lie within them?

Topic 2 Revelation

This topic looks at the idea of God’s self revelation to humanity. It explores the reasonableness of the evidence of revelation, and why revelation is questioned as a real experience.

general revelation. Candidates will be expected to understand God’s revelation through scripture, nature and conscience; special revelation. Candidates will be expected to understand God’s revelation through a direct meeting, vision or dream, including examples from scripture, worship and prayer; the power of any type of revelation, and its impact on those receiving the revelation; what is learnt of God – qualities of God such as supremacy, immanence, transcendence, personal nature, impersonal nature, omnipotence, omniscience and benevolence; the comparative strengths and weaknesses of general versus special revelation; the issue of reality or illusion in terms of any revelation; alternative explanations for claims of revelation; the question of whether accepting the reality of revelation leads to problems for the believer, such as why believers have different ideas about God

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

History of Ideas

Open here a series of excellent videos from BBC Radio 4 about the arguments (ideas) for or against the Existence of God